Saturday, January 12, 2013

Welcome to all [and I hope there is a lot] the visitors to my blog for the Memories and Thanks Blog Hop!
There are a lot of people in my life that are really special. My hubby! My Sister, my Daughter, Son, Son-in-Law, My Grandson, my Dad [especially my DAD] my Brother, Brother -in-law and a lot of friends!  That is just the ones that I can reach out and touch!!! LOL  When Lori started this Blog Hop late last year, I thought it would be great to get in and say thanks to all the special people in my life!  There is not enough room or enough time to tell everybody how special they are to me!

So I decided to use this to say Thank You to.....
Lori, Marlene, Jami, Sandra, Gloria, Lena, Bonnie, and all of the other WONDERFUL friends that I have met here in Bead Soup Cafe!!!When I first discovered this it was when I saw the book about Lori's Bead Soup! I  read a little and thought... Wow, wouldn't that be fun.  I commented to Lori, and that was what Started it all!!!
  So Thank You so much to Lori McDaniel Anderson, first for being so very very good at what you do, and for letting me in to this great group and just for being You!!  In this group I have met Lori, then I met Marlene, and Marlene you are such a sweet and loving person too!!! I Thank You for all of your help and understanding and Patience when we started the Inspiration Challenge!! I had never been a part of something so far flung and so much fun!!!  In the last few months, I have not only met really special people but I have also found out a lot about myself!!!  I love beading!  It is a great constant in my life!  I love my business! When I got here, I really was not doing a whole lot with my business.  I did not know what a blog was or how to start one, Thank You Lori and Jami for help there!!!    I could probably fill 2 or 3 pages with how Thankful and Grateful I am to all the wonderful people here!!!  I won't...LOL but I could!  The point of all of this is to say that When I needed someone [ or ones] to help me solidify my thoughts about my business and to think in abstracts for Inspiration challenges and to figure out where I wanted to go...YOU WERE ALL HERE FOR ME!!!  SO THANK YOU TO EVERYONE IN THE BEAD SOUP CAFE Community! I am more focused and driven than I have ever been and I owe it all to you All!  The bracelet is my way of saying that I am happy and that my life is Wonderful thanks in part to all of my wonderful friends here!!!




  1. You are such a sweetheart, and your love of life and people shines through with everything you do. God Bless and continued success!

    1. AAAWWW! Thank you so much Marlene, you such a GREAT Person!!!

  2. Really pretty , and very sweet thoughts, too. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I am so excited to be able to share!! Thanks so much for liking it. I hope you are having a Great Week!

  3. What a fun and uplifting tribute, great job

    1. Thank You so much! I am really glad you like it. Hope you are having a Great week!

  4. Replies
    1. I did not know I could reply on here till just now...LOL... so I "replied to the e-mail I got from you!! Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Tiffany, i did not know I could reply here so I replied to the e-mail I got from you! Really glad you like it!!

  6. I agree that the Bead Soup group is terrific! I love the bright colors and happy vibe to your bracelet.

    1. Hi, I did not know I could reply here so I replied to the Email I got from you! Really glad you like it!

  7. Hi Robin I liked your story. Your bracelet is colorful, fun , and like life is just bursting. I think that you designed a fitting tribute. Good job. I agree that Lori has helped so many more people than she gives herself credit for. Lori and her BSBP is the reason I got a blog also.

    1. Hi Becky, I did not know until just now that I could replay on here so I replied to the e-mail I got from you! So glad you like it!

  8. What a great tribute to Lori and all that she does. I know that she doesn't see herself as everyone else does so maybe just maybe she will understand just how special of a person she really is.

    Oh and you will get more comments if you turn the CAPCHA off.

  9. What a fun post Robin! It's great to hear what a full life of family and friends you have I'm sure you are as bright a spot in their lives as you are in the Bead Soup Cafe. Loving the collection of buttons - feels just like a community of colours

  10. What a Sweet thing to say!!! Thank You so much!!! I do have a wonderful family and then I have the wonderful people here so I am Doubly Blessed!!

  11. I love how you chose to honor many and not just one and in such a happy way!

    1. Thank you so much Julie! Hope you have a Blessed week!

  12. I love this bracelet, it evokes such happiness,your family must be very proud of you.

    1. I am really glad you like the bracelet! It is very happy and I love wearing it. The happiness just seeps in when you wear it! My family loves me very much. I am truly blessed!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. How nice to say thanks to those women who have helped you along the way! Thank you for sharing your story and your creation. Enjoy the day! Erin

    1. I am really glad you like the bracelet! Button bracelets are so Happy!!! I have been very blessed with all of the people I have met here! Have a great weekend!

  14. A very fun and delightful bracelet! Great way to use those buttons! What a lovely way to honor family and friends and Lori too!
    Hope you enjoyed the hop. I'm still making my way through the list.
    Terri G.

  15. Sorry it took me so long to get back. I t has been a very busy week! I am really glad you like the bracelet. i have worn it a couple of times so far . I call it my happy bracelet! I need to read more I am glad it will be up for a while, the stories are so wonderful! Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. What a beautiful happy piece! I'm sure you will have many happy memories when you look at the bracelet and think of all of the special people in your life.

    1. Thank You Karin, that is exactly what I do. I wear it a lot and it always makes me happy.

  17. Beautiful and uplifting! What a wonderful way to honor so many people in your life!!

    1. Thank You Christine, I really enjoy wearing it. it shows me how far I have come in such a short time.

  18. Thank you April, i wear this a lot and I call it my Happy Bracelet. it always makes me smile!
